
New South Wales Liquor Act 2007


New South Wales Liquor Act 2007

Section 77 of the New South Wales Liquor Act 2007 pertains to the sale and supply of liquor to intoxicated persons. This section makes it illegal for a person to sell or supply liquor to someone who is already intoxicated, or to allow intoxicated persons to consume liquor on licensed premises.

The section outlines the duty of licensed premises to refuse service to intoxicated persons, and to ensure that they do not become a nuisance or harm to themselves or others. It also specifies the responsibilities of staff members to monitor the behavior of patrons and to report any instances of intoxication to the licensee or supervisor.

Section 77 imposes penalties for breaches of this provision, including fines and potential imprisonment, as well as potential consequences for the licensee, such as the suspension or cancellation of their license. The aim of this section is to promote responsible service of alcohol and prevent harm associated with the consumption of alcohol.

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