
NSW weapons prohibition act 1998 concerning batons and handcuffs?

The NSW Weapons Prohibition Act 1998(2)

NSW weapons prohibition act 1998 concerning batons and handcuffs?

The NSW Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 regulates the possession and use of various prohibited weapons in NSW. The Act includes provisions regarding batons and handcuffs.
Under the Act, batons are classified as prohibited weapons, and possession and use of batons is restricted to certain authorised persons, such as police officers and security guards (must have a permit and a reason for the carrying and use of this weapon)who have been licensed by the NSW Police Force.
Handcuffs are not classified as prohibited weapons under the Act, but their possession and use are still regulated. Only authorised persons, such as police officers and licensed security guards (must have a permit and a reason for the carrying and use of this item), are permitted to carry and use handcuffs in the course of their duties.
It is important to note that possession of a prohibited weapon without lawful excuse is a criminal offence in NSW, and can result in serious legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

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