



As a security officer, removing an intoxicated person can be a delicate and potentially dangerous situation.
Here are some guidelines to follow to ensure the safety of both the intoxicated person and yourself:

Remain calm and professional: Approach the situation with a calm and professional demeanor, and avoid escalating the situation.

Assess the situation: Evaluate the level of the person's intoxication and any potential safety hazards in the area. If the person is severely intoxicated or appears to be a danger to themselves or others, call for additional assistance, such as Police or medical services.

Identify yourself: Clearly identify yourself as a security officer and explain the reason for removing the person from the premises.

Provide assistance: If the person is able to walk on their own, provide them with assistance to help them safely leave the premises. 

Document the incident: Document all relevant details of the incident, including the person's behaviour and any actions taken by you or other involved parties.

It’s important to remember that removing an intoxicated person can be a physically and emotionally challenging situation, and it may be necessary to call for additional assistance.

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