



Under the NSW Crimes Act 1900, Section 192E defines fraud as follows:

“192E Fraud:
(1) A person who, by any deception, dishonestly:
(a) obtains property belonging to another, or
(b) obtains any financial advantage or causes any financial disadvantage,
is guilty of the offense of fraud.

(2) A person’s obtaining of property belonging to another may be dishonest even if the person is willing to pay for the property.

(3) A person may be convicted of the offense of fraud involving an alleged obtaining of property belonging to another although the alleged deception relied on by the person is about the person’s intention to perform a promise, made in the course of obtaining the property or exercising a power or right, to pay for or otherwise provide compensation for property or services.”

In simpler terms, fraud under this section involves a person dishonestly deceiving someone else in order to obtain property that belongs to another person or to gain a financial advantage while causing a financial disadvantage to someone else. The offense can still be considered fraud even if the person is willing to pay for the property obtained.

It is important to consult the complete and updated text of the NSW Crimes Act 1900 or seek legal advice for precise and detailed information regarding specific legal matters.

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