
The SECTA security course can only be completed through classroom-based training.

SECTA securitycourse can only be completed through a classroom training.(1)

The SECTA security course can only be completed through classroom-based training.

Threats and risks are present in commercial establishments, and having good security measures is beneficial for most businesses. Providing security training to your employees can prepare them to handle potential issues and prevent them from becoming major threats.
Security training can create a security-focused culture in the workplace, empower employees, protect assets, prevent downtime, get everyone on the same page, and institute proactive practices. It is important to ensure compliance and take a proactive approach to security to prevent incidents and breaches.
Security training sessions provide an avenue for employees to apply security policies and become well-informed about the organization’s security strategies, risks, and threats.
As a result, they become more proactive in recognizing and avoiding attacks, leading to enhanced security throughout the company. Investing in security training is an investment in your employees’ preparedness and knowledge, ultimately benefiting your business.
The security industry is a highly regulated industry.
To be able to gain your security guard licence NSW, you must complete the Certificate II in Security Operations.
The SECTA securitycourse can only be completed through a face to face classroom with online work required before and after the summative assessments in the classroom.
Why do you have to attend class in person?
You have to be in the classroom so that you complete the physical training that comes with the course.
You will be learning defensive tactics and you will need to be in the classroom to physically showcase your competency in delivering holds, breaking holds and escorting people from the premises plus other tactical moves.
Benefits of being in the classroom
Our industry leading trainers provide insight to our students in the classroom environment, elaborating on the clusters covered and imparting wisdom from their own experiences in the field.
They offer mentorship and often continue this process after you’ve finished your course.
Many students stay in touch with their trainer and regularly seek career advice from the SECTA HR department and the jobpedal software after they have completed the course.
Building your network
As well as establishing a relationship with your trainer, attending the course in person gives you a chance to build your network with other future security guards.
The students often remain in touch with Duncan (who is the jobpedal contact) to call on when they are looking for work in the security industry.
What do you learn in the security course?
The Certificate II in Security Operations includes everything you’ll need to get your unarmed security guard licence and get out there and start working in the field.
You will need to complete a first aid (HLTAID011) course as well which will be a requirement, prior to completing the SECTA security course. You need to be in the classroom for First Aid in order to demonstrate techniques such as CPR and bandaging.
You’ll learn about policies and procedures, filling in reports, assessing risk, screening persons and items, patrolling, communication skills and how to de-escalate a situation. Some of these components can be delivered online and completed before attending the practical day however, they are reiterated in the face to face workshop.
The course also covers the legal and procedural practices for guards, emergency response, evacuation procedures, monitoring and controlling access of persons and vehicles to premises and protection.

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