
The NSW Companion Animals Act 1998

The NSW Companion Animals Act 1998

The NSW Companion Animals Act 1998

The NSW Companion Animals Act 1998 reflecting the general principle of the Act, states that a person with a disability is entitled to be accompanied by an assistance animal that is being used bona fide (in good faith) by the person to assist them. This entitlement applies when the person is entering or exiting a building or using any form of public transport.

This provision recognizes the importance of assistance animals in facilitating the independence and mobility of individuals with disabilities. Assistance animals, such as guide dogs for the visually impaired or service dogs for individuals with mobility limitations, are specially trained to perform tasks or provide support that directly assists their handlers.

The purpose of this provision is to ensure that people with disabilities have the right to access public spaces and transportation services with their assistance animals. It acknowledges that assistance animals play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life, safety, and independence of individuals with disabilities.

It is important to note that while this entitlement exists, there may be certain conditions or requirements that need to be met. For example, the assistance animal may need to be properly trained, appropriately harnessed or leashed, and under the control of the person with a disability at all times. Additionally, the person may be required to comply with any relevant regulations or guidelines set by transport authorities or building management regarding the presence of assistance animals.

These provisions are in place to balance the rights of people with disabilities and the legitimate concerns of others in public spaces and transportation settings. It ensures that individuals with disabilities can fully participate in society and access the services they need with the assistance of their bona fide assistance animals.

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