

Olive Minimal Aesthetic Self Care Facebook Post


The signs and symptoms can vary depending on the substance taken, amount taken and the individual’s own health situation at the time.
An overdose means having more of a drug (or combination of drugs) than your body can cope with.
A drug is anything other than food or water that causes an effect on the functions of the body, either physically or psychologically.
As a first aid officer dealing with a potential drug overdose, it’s crucial to follow specific Do’s and Don’ts to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected individual. Please note in the case of a drug overdose, it’s essential to seek immediate medical assistance by calling emergency (000) services.

Do’s for Drug Overdose First Aid:
Call for Help: If you suspect someone is experiencing a drug overdose, call emergency services (000) immediately.
Assess Responsiveness: Check the person’s responsiveness by tapping their shoulder and asking loudly if they are okay. Observe if they are responding to your voice or touch.
Open Airway: If the person is unresponsive, tilt their head back gently and lift their chin to open their airway.
Check Breathing: Look, listen, and feel for signs of breathing for about 10 seconds. If the person is not breathing or is breathing abnormally (gasping), begin CPR immediately.
Stay Calm: Keep yourself calm and provide reassurance to the person if they are conscious and aware.
Keep the Person Awake: If the person is conscious, encourage them to stay awake and keep them in a sitting position if possible.
Gather Information: If possible, try to gather information about the type of drug taken, the amount, and when it was ingested. This information can be crucial for medical professionals.
Don’ts for Drug Overdose First Aid:
Do Not Leave the Person Alone: Stay with the person until emergency medical help arrives.
Do Not Induce Vomiting: Do not try to make the person vomit, as this can be dangerous and may lead to aspiration.
Do Not Administer Food or Drink: Refrain from giving the person anything to eat or drink, as it might interfere with medical treatment.
Do Not Ignore Symptoms: Take all signs of drug overdose seriously, even if the person appears to recover temporarily.
Do Not Delay Seeking Medical Help: Time is critical in a drug overdose situation. Seek immediate medical attention to ensure the best chances of recovery.

Remember, providing first aid for a drug overdose is only a temporary measure. Emergency medical professionals are trained to handle overdose situations and can provide the necessary medical interventions to save a person’s life. Always call for professional medical assistance immediately if you suspect a drug overdose.