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When the NSW Police issue a caution, it means that they are providing a formal warning to an individual who has committed a minor offense. A caution is typically given as an alternative to formal legal proceedings, such as issuing a fine or making an arrest. It is used for less serious offenses where the police believe that the individual can be dealt with through a warning rather than through the court system.

A caution is not a criminal conviction and does not result in a criminal record. However, it is important to note that a caution may be recorded by the police and can be taken into consideration if the person commits a similar offense in the future. Additionally, if a caution is issued for certain types of offenses, it may be subject to disclosure in certain circumstances, such as when applying for certain types of employment or working with vulnerable populations.

The purpose of a caution is to provide an opportunity for individuals to learn from their mistakes, take responsibility for their actions, and avoid further involvement in criminal activities. It is a way for the police to address minor offenses proportionately and divert individuals from the formal criminal justice process.