

If you receive a bomb threat


If you receive a bomb threat in New South Wales (NSW), it is essential to follow proper protocols and take immediate action. Here are the steps you should take:

Stay Calm: It's important to remain calm and composed during the situation. Panic can lead to poor decision-making and potentially escalate the threat.

Gather Information: If possible, engage the caller in conversation and try to gather as much information as you can about the threat. Ask questions about the location of the bomb, the type of bomb, and the potential time of detonation. Take note of any specific details provided by the caller.

Notify Authorities: Contact the appropriate authorities immediately. This includes contacting the police, the security department on-site, or any designated bomb threat response team within your organization. Provide them with all the information you have gathered from the caller.

Evacuation: Follow the instructions given by the authorities regarding evacuation procedures. Evacuate the premises calmly and quickly, ensuring everyone's safety. Encourage others to leave the area as well, but avoid causing panic or chaos.

Search and Secure: Leave the search and handling of potential explosive devices to the trained professionals. Do not attempt to search or handle suspicious objects yourself. Follow the directions of law enforcement officials and security personnel during the search and securing process.

Document Details: Make sure to document the details of the bomb threat, including the time of the call, the phone number (if available), and any specific information provided by the caller. This documentation will be important for law enforcement investigations.

Cooperate with Authorities: Throughout the entire process, cooperate fully with the authorities and provide any additional information or assistance they may require. Follow their instructions to ensure everyone's safety and facilitate a swift resolution to the situation.

Remember, bomb threats should always be taken seriously, and it is crucial to prioritize the safety of yourself and others. Following proper procedures and working closely with law enforcement and security professionals will help ensure the best possible outcome in such situations.

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