
Definition of Robbery?


Definition of Robbery?

Under NSW (New South Wales) law, robbery is defined as a serious criminal offense that involves the unlawful taking of another person’s property or belongings through the use of force, intimidation, or the threat of violence. The key elements that constitute robbery under NSW law include:

Taking property: The offender must take property that belongs to another person without their consent or lawful authority. The property can be tangible items, money, or any other valuable assets.

From a person's immediate presence: The property must be taken from the immediate presence of the victim, meaning it is within their reach or control.

Using force or intimidation: The offender must use force, violence, intimidation, or the threat of force to commit the robbery. This can include physical assault, displaying a weapon, making threats, or any actions that create fear or compel compliance.

With the intent to permanently deprive: The offender must have the intention to permanently deprive the owner of the property. This means that they do not intend to return the property to its rightful owner.

Robbery is considered a serious offense under NSW law and carries significant penalties upon conviction. The penalties may vary depending on the circumstances of the robbery, including the level of violence used, the value of the stolen property, and the presence of aggravating factors. It is important to consult the relevant legislation or seek legal advice for a comprehensive understanding of the specific provisions and consequences of robbery under NSW law.

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