
Duties of a Fire Warden

Duties of a fire warden

Duties of a Fire Warden

The responsibilities of a fire warden are critical in ensuring that a business is well-prepared for a fire emergency.
They are an important risk control measure, along with an emergency plan, to ensure that a workplace can effectively respond to an emergency situation, such as a fire.
The duties of a fire warden include improving emergency procedures, monitoring fire risk control measures, raising awareness about fire hazards, instructing workers on emergency response, leading fire drills and evacuation procedures, accounting for all workers during an evacuation, and assisting people with special needs.
During an evacuation, fire wardens must direct everyone to use appropriate exits, check all accessible spaces to ensure everyone has evacuated, isolate the fire by closing doors, and guide everyone to the assembly area.
While there is no legal requirement for fire wardens or their training, it is important to appoint and train them to meet health and safety obligations.
The number of fire wardens required depends on the size and level of risk of a business, with high-risk businesses needing more fire wardens.
Evacuation drills should be conducted at least once a year and more frequently for high-risk workplaces or after significant changes to the workplace.
It is important to note that all staff members should also be trained to respond to a fire emergency, not just the fire wardens.

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