
Before beginning your patrol as a security officer

Before beginning your patrol as a security officer

Before beginning your patrol as a security officer

It is important to ensure that you possess a valid first aid certification and are carrying your security license appropriately. Additionally, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with your company’s standard operating procedures (SOPs), as well as their policies and guidelines. Some significant SOPs include regulating access to and exit from premises or venues, operating a control room, complying with guidelines on using alarms and security equipment, conducting property and people screening, performing inspections, monitoring premises, venues, and property, and adhering to policies on crowd management, escorting and safeguarding individuals and property.

It is important to perform regular checks on the equipment used in security operations, including vehicles, two-way radios, torches, duty rig belts, and scanners. These checks should be done in a specific order, starting with reports and cards, followed by checking the two-way radio, scanner, and mobile phone. Next, the sets of keys and alarm codes should be reviewed, and the clock and watch should be synchronized with barcode readers. Finally, the torches and torch batteries should be checked, and vehicle inspections should be conducted for mobile patrols.

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