
How are burns managed or treated?


How are burns managed or treated?

Part of the SECTA first aid course is how to treat burns.
The first step in burn treatment is to keep the affected area clean and properly covered with bandages or dressing, depending on the severity of the burn. It’s important to manage the person’s pain, as it can interfere with wound care. Checking for signs of infection and long-term complications such as scarring is also necessary. Treatment options vary depending on the degree of the burn. First-degree burns can be treated by running cool water over the affected area, while second-degree burns may require a stronger antibiotic cream and elevation of the affected area. Third-degree burns are the most serious and may require skin grafts and intravenous fluids to prevent shock and dehydration. Prevention measures include wearing sunscreen, setting the hot water heater below 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and taking steps to avoid accidental burns. Complications of burns can include heart rhythm disturbances, dehydration, scarring, edema, organ failure, pneumonia, and severe infection. With proper treatment, most burns can heal within two to three weeks, although some scarring may occur. It’s important to seek medical attention if a burn doesn’t improve after two weeks, if blisters develop, or if there are signs of infection or PTSD.

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